Chapter 22. Using Virtuoso with Tuxedo
BEA Tuxedo provides the framework, or middleware, for building scalable multi-tier client/server applications in heterogeneous (dissimilar), distributed environments that extend from the Web to the Enterprise. Using BEA Tuxedo, users can develop, manage, and deploy distributed applications independently of the underlying hardware, operating system, network, and database environment.
The current document covers linkage between Virtuoso server and Tuxedo by ATMI (Application-to-Transaction Monitor Interface) only.
In contrast to classic 2-tier client/server configuration of SQL servers, the Tuxedo brings 3-tier paradigm (clients, services, resource managers).
At the foundation of BEA Tuxedo ATMI is a proven, reliable transaction processor, also known as a transaction processing (TP) monitor. A transaction processor is an example of a 3-tier client/server architecture, where the transaction processor supports the application logic (represented by "services" between the GUI front-end and the back-end resource managers. Examples of resource managers are SQL databases, message queues, legacy applications, and other back-end services.
This document explains how to build support binaries for Tuxedo and Virtuoso and how to write services which use the Virtuoso as resource manager.
Table of Contents
- 22.1. Building the Transaction Manager Server
- 22.2. Configuration
- 22.3. Services
- 22.3.1. Introduction
- 22.3.2. VQL functions
- 22.3.3. Services concept
- 22.3.4. OPENINFO
- 22.4. Clients
- 22.5. Service example
22.1. Building the Transaction Manager Server
First of all, the administrator needs to build Virtuoso Transaction Manager Server application in order to use Virtuoso server as Resource Manager of global transactions operated by Tuxedo.
Then, the following line needs to be put in the $TUXDIR/udataobj/RM file:
Virtuoso:virt_xa_switch: libvirtxa.a -L${HOME}/lib -lwic -ldk1t -lthrp -lutil2 -L${SSLDIR}/lib -lssl -lcrypto
The libvirtxa.a library could be found in tuxedo/lib directory.
This allows to build TP monitor with Virtuoso support (VirtTMS) and services which could use Virtuoso as resource manager. libvirtxa.a and other libraries must be accessible by the compiler. The following command builds the VirtTMS:
buildtms -o ${TUXDIR}/bin/VirtTMS -r Virtuoso