
6.3.2. Setting up a Cluster

To make a new empty clustered Virtuoso database, set up the individual instances. The processes must be of exactly the same version, the operating systems, byte orders or word lengths of the participating machines do not have to match.

Each individual database is assigned its database files and other configuration by editing its virtuoso.ini file. No installation besides having the Virtuoso executable and the virtuoso.ini file is needed.

If there is a Virtuoso installation on the machine, use the executable from that and set up an empty directory with the virtuoso.ini file.

Once the individual database directories are set up, write the cluster.ini file as shown above. Copy this into each running directory beside the virtuoso.ini file. Edit each to specify which host the file belongs to. Set ThisHost to point to the host which the this file belongs. Set Master to point to one of the hosts and make sure each file has the same master and a distinct ThisHost.

Start the server processes. This will initialize the empty databases.

Connect to the master host's SQL port with a SQL client to continue. The initial default user and password is dba. To verify that the cluster nodes can connect to each other, do status (''); twice. The second status should have a line beginning with Cluster xx nodes.