23.6.8. Web Server & DAV System Tables
All Web Server and DAV related tables and procedures are held in the WS catalogue. This reference section illustrates their structure.
Collections (folders)
create table WS.WS.SYS_DAV_COL ( COL_ID integer, -- unique collection id COL_NAME char(256),-- collection name COL_OWNER integer, -- collection owner id (FK SYS_DAV_USER (U_ID)) COL_GROUP integer, -- collection owner group id (FK SYS_DAV_GROUP (G_ID)) COL_PARENT integer, -- parent collection id (FK SYS_DAV_COL (COL_ID)) COL_CR_TIME datetime, -- creation time COL_MOD_TIME datetime, -- modification time COL_PERMS char(9), -- collection access permissions (like UNIX ugo style) primary key (COL_NAME, COL_PARENT) ) ;
create table WS.WS.SYS_DAV_LOCK ( LOCK_TYPE char (1), -- type of the lock (R (read) or W (write)) LOCK_SCOPE char (1), -- lock scope (X (exclusive) or S (shared)) LOCK_TOKEN char(256), -- unique lock token LOCK_PARENT_TYPE char (1), -- lock parent type (R (resource), C (collection)) LOCK_PARENT_ID integer, -- lock parent (resource/collection) -- id (FK SYS_DAV_COL (COL_ID) or SYS_DAV_RES (RES_ID)) LOCK_TIME datetime, -- lock creation time LOCK_TIMEOUT integer, -- lock time-out LOCK_OWNER integer, -- lock owner id (FK SYS_DAV_USER (U_ID)) LOCK_OWNER_INFO varchar, -- lock owner info (if WebDAV client sent -- additional info eq. e-mail etc.) primary key (LOCK_PARENT_TYPE, LOCK_PARENT_ID) ) ;
create table WS.WS.SYS_DAV_PROP ( PROP_ID integer, -- unique property id PROP_NAME char(256), -- property name PROP_TYPE char (1), -- property parent type (R (resource), C (collection)) PROP_PARENT_ID integer, -- parent resource/collection id (FK SYS_DAV_COL (COL_ID) -- or SYS_DAV_RES (RES_ID)) PROP_VALUE varchar, -- value of the property (plain text or serialized XML entity) primary key (PROP_NAME, PROP_TYPE, PROP_PARENT_ID) ) ;
Resources (documents)
create table WS.WS.SYS_DAV_RES ( RES_ID integer, -- unique resource id RES_NAME char(256),-- resource name RES_OWNER integer, -- resource owner id (FK SYS_DAV_USER (U_ID)) RES_GROUP integer, -- resource owner group id (FK SYS_DAV_GROUP (G_ID)) RES_COL integer, -- parent collection id (FK SYS_DAV_COL (COL_ID)) RES_CONTENT long varchar IDENTIFIED BY RES_FULL_PATH, -- resource content RES_TYPE varchar, -- resource MIME type (eq. text/plain etc.) RES_CR_TIME datetime, -- creation time RES_MOD_TIME datetime, -- modification time RES_PERMS char (9), -- resource access permissions (like UNIX ugo style) RES_FULL_PATH varchar, -- resource full path (eq. /DAV/docs/name.txt) primary key (RES_COL, RES_NAME) ) ;
Resource Types (MIME types)
create table WS.WS.SYS_DAV_RES_TYPES ( T_EXT varchar, -- extension T_TYPE varchar, -- associated MIME type T_DESCRIPTION varchar, -- optional description primary key (T_EXT) ) ;
![]() |
Note: |
The Resource Types table is also used by the HTTP server for determining the appropriate 'Content-Type' header for any deliverable, either from WebDAV or the file system. |
HTTP Virtual Directory Mappings
create table DB.DBA.HTTP_PATH ( HP_HOST varchar not null, -- mapping Host in HTTP header note: *ini* HP_LISTEN_HOST varchar not null, -- IP address & port for -- mapping listening session HP_LPATH varchar not null, -- logical path HP_PPATH varchar not null, -- physical path HP_STORE_AS_DAV integer not null, -- flag for webDAV storage HP_DIR_BROWSEABLE integer not null, -- directory listing allowed HP_DEFAULT varchar, -- default page HP_SECURITY varchar, -- which method allowed all/https/digest (NULL/SSL/DIGEST) HP_REALM varchar, -- authentication realm HP_AUTH_FUNC varchar, -- which function authenticate this directory HP_POSTPROCESS_FUNC varchar, -- function call after request HP_RUN_VSP_AS varchar, -- uid for VSPs REFERENCES SYS_USERS (U_NAME) -- ON DELETE SET NULL HP_RUN_SOAP_AS varchar, -- uid for SOAP REFERENCES SYS_USERS (U_NAME) -- ON DELETE SET NULL HP_PERSIST_SES_VARS integer, -- have a persistent session variables HP_SOAP_OPTIONS varchar, -- SOAP options HP_AUTH_OPTIONS varchar, -- options for authentication hook function primary key (HP_LISTEN_HOST, HP_HOST, HP_LPATH) ) ;
HTTP Access Control List
create table HTTP_ACL ( HA_LIST varchar not null, -- ACL name HA_ORDER integer not null, -- Position in the list HA_OBJECT integer not NULL default -1, -- Object ID (applicable to news groups also) HA_CLIENT_IP varchar not NULL, -- *PATTERN* HA_FLAG integer not NULL default 1, -- Allow/Deny flag, 0 - allow, 1 - deny HA_RW integer default 0, -- Read/Write flag, 0 - read, 1 - post HA_DEST_IP varchar default '*', -- Destination IP/Host (applicable to the proxy also) PRIMARY KEY (HA_LIST, HA_ORDER, HA_CLIENT_IP, HA_FLAG) );