
9.19.7. Derived Tables

A SELECT expression may be used in the place of a table in a FROM clause. This provides control over where DISTINCT and ORDER BY operations are evaluated.

select ProductName, UnitsInStock
    from (select distinct ProductID from Order_Details) O,
        Products where Products.ProductID = O.ProductID;

This retrieves the name and quantity of products that have been ordered.

An equivalent phrasing would be

select distinct ProductName, UnitsInStock
   from Order_Details O, Products where Products.ProductID = O.ProductID;

The difference is that the latter retrieves a Products row for each order line whereas as the first retrieves a products row for each distinct product in the order lines. The first is therefore faster to evaluate. Also note that the rows in the DISTINCT buffer in the first example only consist of the product id whereas they are much longer in the second example.

Note that a correlation name is required for derived tables since the derived table is as such anonymous.