http_flush — Flush internal HTTP stream and disconnect client; Flush HTTP stream and try sending data in chunked mode.
) ; |
This flushes the internal buffer where output of a VSP page is stored pending the execution of the page's code. This sends the content of the page output buffer along with headers and disconnects the client. The status is 200 OK by default, unless overridden by http_status. The purpose of this function is to allow a page to send output before terminating , thus the page can continue processing for an indefinite time without requiring the client to wait. This is useful for starting long running background tasks from HTTP clients.
VSP pages that use this function must be sure to supply appropriate content (or response headers) if needed before calling this function.
Virtuoso supports HTTP 1.1 Chunking Encoding which allows Virtuoso to
send the user agent chunks of output as the page is still processing. Chunking
is enabled by calling http_flush(1)
within the VSP page.
By default chunks are sent for every 4k worth of output generated, but in some
cases the output needs to consist of smaller chunks, for example when run-time status needs to be shown in a status page.
So to achieve this the http_flush (try_what=1) could be invoked
in places where chunk must be flushed to the User agent.
Chunked mode requires the following conditions:
no "Content-Length" header sent to the client using http_header() |
no "Content-Encoding" header sent to the client using http_header() |
use http_xslt() is not permitted |
The client supports HTTP 1.1 |
Failing these conditions,
will be a
If the function has actually switched to chunked mode it will return a non-zero integer. Otherwise and integer 0 will be returned.
Chunked mode is not supported for static content.
This optional parameter can be supplied the value one (1) to instruct Virtuoso to try sending the output of the VSP page in chunked mode.
Example 24.160. Using http_flush()
<?vsp http ('<p>Hit <a href="status.vsp">there</a> to go on status page</p>'); http_flush (); long_task_procedure (); ?>
Example 24.161. Using http_flush() small chunks
The following example will render in browser at every loop iteration 'state=N'; so this will be visible at 'run-time' not when loop finished which may take a long.
<?vsp .... http_flush (1); while (i<1000) { process_some_item (); -- some procedure that takes a long time usually http ('state='||cast (i as varchar)||'<br>'); http_flush (1); i := i + 1; } ?>
See Also