

DB.DBA.RDF_DEFAULT_USER_PERMS_DEL — Removes the setting of default permissions of user.


DB.DBA.RDF_DEFAULT_USER_PERMS_DEL ( in uname varchar ,
  in set_private integer (default 0) );


This function removes the setting of default permissions of user named uname. As the result, the default permission of "nobody" is used for the specified user, the future changes in permissions of "nobody" will change the access control for the user.

If set_private is true then the permission in question is the default permission for "private" graphs otherwise it is for "world" graphs.

The function works for disabled or DAV users as well as for active SQL users, so a user can be banned first and then restricted in RDF access rights or visa versa. However the function will signal an error if it is called for "nobody" or "dba" users. Default permissions for these two users can be changed but can not deleted.



User name.


(0|1 default 0). If set_private is true then the permission in question is the default permission for "private" graphs otherwise it is for "world" graphs.


Example 24.257. Example