DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_SECURITY_AUDIT — Fix graph-level security errors.
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This function can detect and automatically fix many sorts of errors in the configuration of the graph-level security.
(0|1 default 0) - 0 = read-only diagnostics ; 1 = diagnostics +recovery, and makes a result-set of messages (such as found errors). The result set consists of 6 columns:
SEVERITY -- empty string for information messages, 'WARNING', 'ERROR' or 'FATAL' for found problems.
GRAPH_IID -- IRI_ID of a graph or graph group in question, NULL if not applicable.
GRAPH_IRI -- IRI string of a graph or graph group in question, NULL if not applicable OR if GRAPH_IID does not correspond to any IRI. If GRAPH_IID is NULL or GRAPH_IID is #i0 (the value reserved for 'world graphs') or GRAPH_IID is #i8192 (the value reserved for 'private graphs') then GRAPH_IRI is expected to be NULL, otherwise NULL value here indicates some inconsistency.
USER_ID -- The numeric identifier of user in question, the value from U_ID column of DB.DBA.SYS_USERS.
USER_NAME -- The string identifier of user in question, the value from U_NAME column of DB.DBA.SYS_USERS. If USER_ID is not a NULL but USER_NAME is NULL then the graph-level security data refer to a user that no longer exists so they are most probably "garbage" (or the actual problem is that the user is erroneously deleted).
MESSAGE -- plain text of the message
Example 24.255. Simple example
Automatically fix the corrupted metadata:
SQL> DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_SECURITY_AUDIT(1); SEVERITY GRAPH_IID GRAPH_IRI USER_ID USER_NAME MESSAGE VARCHAR VARCHAR VARCHAR INTEGER VARCHAR VARCHAR _______________________________________________________________________________ NULL NULL NULL NULL Inspecting caches of IRI_IDs of IRIs mentioned in security data... NULL NULL NULL NULL Inspecting completeness of IRI cache for graph groups... NULL NULL NULL NULL Inspecting completeness of IRI cache for graph group members... NULL NULL NULL NULL Check for mismatches between graph group IRIs and graph group IRI_IDs... NULL NULL NULL NULL Inspecting caching of list of private graphs... NULL NULL NULL NULL Inspecting permissions of users... NULL NULL NULL NULL No errors found in RDF security 7 Rows. -- 16 msec.