

string_to_file — writes a varchar to a file


string_to_file ( in path varchar ,
  in string varchar ,
  in mode integer );


This function requires dba privileges.

string_to_file writes a varchar value or string session to a file. The path is relative to the server's working directory. The mode is an integer value interpreted as a position. A mode of 0 writes the content starting at offset 0. A mode of -1 appends to the end of the file. The append option is probably the most useful for producing application level logs, etc.

The string argument can also be a string output object. In this case the content is used as the string.

If the mode is -2, the new content supersedes the old. This is different from 0 in that the file will be truncated if the new content is shorter than the old.

The DirsAllowed and DirsDenied lists in Parameters section of the virtuoso configuration file (virtuoso.ini by default) are used to control disk access. An error 42000/FA024 is signalled if an attempt is made to write to a file in a directory to which disk access is not explicitly allowed.



varchar relative path.


varchar or string session to write to the file.


integer mode.

0 - overwrite from start offset 0
-1 - append to end of file
-2 - overwrite and truncate.


Example 24.411. Simple example

Write an entry to an application log

SQL>string_to_file ('logs/applog.txt',
  concat (datestring(now()),'\t','Application started.\n'), -1);

Done. -- 4 msec.
SQL> quit;
bash$ cat logs/applog.txt
2001-03-19 15:15:12.000000	Application started.