
11.7.15. FOR VECTORED Statement

Note: This feature only applies to Virtuoso 7.0 and later.

  ( {IN|OUT} <variable> <data_type> [ := <value>],

The FOR VECTORED statement allows executing a block of code on several sets of variable bindings at once. The benefit of this is that any database operations in such a block can be run on multiple sets of parameters at once, allowing exploitation of locality and, in some cases, running the operation on different bindings on different threads. Additionally, if vectored procedures are called from inside such a block, the call is made with multiple bindings for the parameters. The input variables of FOR VECTORED are initialized from an array of scalar values. The statements inside the body are then executed vectored, as if the operation were first made on all the first values of the vectors, then on the second values, and so forth. Operations combining values from different places in the vectors are not possible in the FOR VECTORED body, but, since vectored results can be seen as arrays after the return of FOR VECTORED, any aggregation or comparison between values in different positions of the same vector can be done after the FOR VECTORED, simply accessing different elements of the arrays produced.

The FOR VECTORED statement communicates with its environment through a list of input and output variables. The input variables are marked with the syntax:

IN <variable> <data_type> := <value>

The <value> must be an expression evaluating to an array. The data type must correspond to the element type of the array. When multiple input variables are specified, the arrays initializing each must be of equal length.

An output variable is marked with:

OUT <variable> := <value>

The variable must be declared in a context outside of the FOR VECTORED statement. The value of the variable will be an array where each value of the vectored expression <value> is represented as a separate value.

Variables declared outside of a FOR VECTORED statement are visible in the body of FOR VECTORED and they appear as a single value for all rows of the vectored section.

Consider the task of pair-wise adding the elements of two arrays:

    IN  a1  INT ARRAY ,
    IN  a2  INT ARRAY
  res := make_array (LENGTH (a1, ' any' );
  FOR (i := 0; i < LENGTH (a1); i := i + 1)
    res[i] := a1[i] + a2[i];
  RETURN res;

This can be expressed as:

    IN  a1  INT ARRAY ,
    IN  a2  INT ARRAY
      ( IN   n1  INT  := a1 ,
        IN   i2  INT  := a2 ,
        OUT  res      := r
         DECLARE  r  INT ;
         r := i1 + i2 ;
    RETURN res;

The two procedures are identical in function. The second will make use of vector instructions in the host CPU, if available, and will incur less interpretation overhead, since the SQL run time will not need to run a loop. In practice, substantial benefit, up to an order of magnitude, can be had from vectored execution with database operations exhibiting significant locality. Bulk loads and bulk lookups are a typical example.