18.4.6. Java Security
Java classes are hosted in one of two modes:
Restricted |
Unrestricted |
Java class Permissions are managed by security classes that fall into categories as follows listed with it managing class:
File - java.io.FilePermission |
Socket - java.net.SocketPermission |
Net - java.net.NetPermission |
Security - java.security.SecurityPermission |
Runtime - java.lang.RuntimePermission |
Property - java.util.PropertyPermission |
AWT - java.awt.AWTPermission |
Reflect - java.lang.reflect.ReflectPermission |
Serializable - java.io.SerializablePermission |
Restricted classes are not allowed any of the above privileges. Virtuoso returns errors that are returned by the security manager if breaches in security are attempted by a hosted Java class.
By default all Java classes are imported/created/hosted in restricted
mode. To create Java class based user defined types that are unrestricted
you need to use create type syntax with UNRESTRICTED keyword. The
function can also be used to import classes, its third optional parameter
can be used to define the security mode.
![]() |
Note: |
New behavior since Virtuoso 3.2 provides these two security modes defaulting to restricted. Prior to this Java classes were hosted in unrestricted mode. |
Example 18.1. Java Security
The class Write_file, shown below, will attempt to write to a file on the file system. This class will be used to create a user defined type first in unrestricted mode and then in restricted mode to demonstrate how security exceptions are returned.
Source of Write_file.java:
import java.io.*; public class Write_file { public String write () { String myFile = "foo"; File f = new File(myFile); DataOutputStream dos; try { dos = new DataOutputStream (new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream (myFile),128)); dos.writeBytes("ABC\n"); dos.flush(); dos.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { System.out.println("writeFile: caught i/o exception"); } return "OK"; } }
Create the unrestricted type:
create type "Write_file" language JAVA external name 'Write_file' unrestricted METHOD "write" () returns nvarchar external type 'Ljava/lang/String;' external name 'write';
Test calling the method:
SQL> select new Write_file().write(); callret NVARCHAR _________________________________________ OK
Now we want to recreate the type in restricted mode, remembering to drop it first:
drop type DB.DBA.write_file; create type "Write_file" language JAVA external name 'Write_file' METHOD "write" () returns nvarchar external type 'Ljava/lang/String;' external name 'write';
Test calling the method:
SQL> select new Write_file().write(); *** Error 42000: [Virtuoso Driver][Virtuoso Server]JV001: Java exception occurred : java.security.AccessControlException : access denied (java.io.FilePermission foo write) in __udt_method_call:(BIF), <Top Level> at line 1 of Top-Level: select new Write_file().write()
Another way to import the above class is by use the
such as:
import_jar (NULL, 'Write_file', 1) - will import java classes in unrestricted mode. import_jar (NULL, 'Write_file') - will import java classes in restricted mode.