16.9.8. Using Virtuoso Crawler
Using Virtuoso Crawler (which includes the Sponger options so you crawl non-RDF but get RDF and this can go to the Quad Store).
Go to Conductor UI. For ex. at http://example.com/conductor :
Figure 16.86. Using Virtuoso Crawler
Enter admin user credentials:
Figure 16.87. Using Virtuoso Crawler
Go to tab Web Application Server:
Figure 16.88. Using Virtuoso Crawler
Go to tab Content Imports:
Figure 16.89. Using Virtuoso Crawler
Click the "New Target" button:
Figure 16.90. Using Virtuoso Crawler
In the shown form set respectively:
"Target description": Tim Berners-Lee's electronic Business Card
"Target URL": http://www.w3.org/People/Berners-Lee/ ;
"Copy to local DAV collection " for ex.: /DAV/home/demo/my-crawling/ ;
Choose from the list "Local resources owner": demo ;
Leave checked by default the check-box "Store documents locally". -- Note: if "Store document locally" is not checked, then in this case no documents will be save as DAV resource and the specified DAV folder from above will not be used ;
Check the check-box with label "Store metadata" ;
Specify which cartridges to be involved by hatching their check-box ;
Note: when selected "Convert Link", then all HREFs in the local stored content will be relative.
Figure 16.91. Using Virtuoso Crawler
Figure 16.92. Using Virtuoso Crawler
Click the button "Create":
Figure 16.93. Using Virtuoso Crawler
Click the button "Import Queues":
Figure 16.94. Using Virtuoso Crawler
For "Robot target" with label "Tim Berners-Lee's electronic Business Card" click "Run".
As result should be shown the number of the pages retrieved.
Figure 16.95. Using Virtuoso Crawler
Example: Use of schedular to interface Virtuoso Quad Store with PTSW using the following program:
create procedure PTSW_CRAWL () { declare xt, xp any; declare content, headers any; content := http_get ('http://pingthesemanticweb.com/export/', headers); xt := xtree_doc (content); xp := xpath_eval ('//rdfdocument/@url', xt, 0); foreach (any x in xp) do { x := cast (x as varchar); dbg_obj_print (x); { declare exit handler for sqlstate '*' { log_message (sprintf ('PTSW crawler can not load : %s', x)); }; sparql load ?:x into graph ?:x; update DB.DBA.SYS_HTTP_SPONGE set HS_LOCAL_IRI = x, HS_EXPIRATION = null WHERE HS_LOCAL_IRI = 'destMD5=' || md5 (x) || '&graphMD5=' || md5 (x); commit work; } } } ; insert soft SYS_SCHEDULED_EVENT (SE_SQL, SE_START, SE_INTERVAL, SE_NAME) values ('DB.DBA.PTSW_CRAWL ()', cast (stringtime ('0:0') as DATETIME), 60, 'PTSW Crawling');