
16.2.13. Built-in bif functions

  • bif:__rdf_long_from_batch_params(i_nt integer, st_value, st2_value)

    • For value URI, the params values should be: 1, value.stringValue(), NULL

    • For value BNODE, the params values should be: 1, "_:"+((BNode)value).getID(), NULL

    • For value Literal with Language!=NULL, the params values should be: 5, lit.stringValue(), lit.getLanguage()

    • For value Literal with Datatype!=NULL, the params values should be: 4, lit.stringValue(), lit.getDatatype().toString()

    • For value Literal with Datatype==NULL && Language==NULL, the params values should be: 3, lit.stringValue(), NULL

    • For value any value exclude above, the params values should be: 3, value.stringValue(), NULL

    • For string value (without Datatype and Language), the params values should be: 3, value.stringValue(), NULL


      { graph ?g { `iri(??)` `iri(??)`
        `bif:__rdf_long_from_batch_params(3,value.stringValue(),NULL)` }