
17.12.5. UDDI API Calls

This section describes the Virtuoso UDDI-related messages. These messages are divided into APIs for authentication, inquiry, and publication.

Authorization API


For detailed description and example use of the function, see me_uddi_get_authtoken in the Functions Reference Guide.


For detailed description and example use of the function, see me_uddi_get_registeredinfo in the Functions Reference Guide.


For detailed description and example use of the function, see me_uddi_discard_authtoken in the Functions Reference Guide.

Inquiry API Functions

The inquiry API messages find_binding , find_business , find_service , and find_tModel all accept an optional element named findQualifiers . This argument provides a means to allow the caller to override default search behaviors.

The messages in this section represent inquiries that anyone can make of any UDDI-enabled server at any time. These messages all behave synchronously and are required to be exposed via HTTP POST only. Other synchronous or asynchronous mechanisms may be provided at the discretion of the individual UDDI-enabled server or compatible registry.

The publicly accessible queries are:

  • find_binding: Used to locate specific bindings within a registered businessService. Returns a bindingDetail message.

  • find_business: Used to locate information about one or more businesses. Returns a businessList message.

  • find_service: Used to locate specific services within a registered businessEntity. Returns a serviceList message.

  • find_tModel: Used to locate one or more tModel information structures. Returns a tModelList structure.

  • get_bindingDetail: Used to get full bindingTemplate information suitable for making one or more service requests. Returns a bindingDetail message.

  • get_businessDetail: Used to get the full businessEntity information for a one or more businesses. Returns a businessDetail message.

  • get_businessDetailExt: Used to get extended businessEntity information. Returns a businessDetailExt message.

  • get_serviceDetail: Used to get full details for a given set of registered businessService date. Returns a serviceDetail message.

  • get_tModelDetail: Used to get full details for a given set of registered tModel data. Returns a tModelDetail message.


For detailed description and example use of the function, see me_uddi_find_binding in the Functions Reference Guide.


For detailed description and example use of the function, see me_uddi_find_business in the Functions Reference Guide.


For detailed description and example use of the function, see me_uddi_find_service in the Functions Reference Guide.


For detailed description and example use of the function, see me_uddi_find_tmodel in the Functions Reference Guide.


For detailed description and example use of the function, see me_uddi_get_bindingdetail in the Functions Reference Guide.


For detailed description and example use of the function, see me_uddi_get_businessdetail in the Functions Reference Guide.


For detailed description and example use of the function, see me_uddi_get_businessdetailext in the Functions Reference Guide.


For detailed description and example use of the function, see me_uddi_get_servicedetail in the Functions Reference Guide.


For detailed description and example use of the function, see me_uddi_get_tmodeldetail in the Functions Reference Guide.

Publishing API Functions

The messages in this section represent inquiries that require authenticated access to an operator site. Each business should initially select one UDDI-enabled server to host their information. Once chosen, information can only be updated at the site originally selected.

The messages defined in this section all behave synchronously and are only callable via HTTP-POST. HTTPS is used exclusively for all the calls defined in this publisher's API.

  • save_binding: Used to register new bindingTemplate information or update existing bindingTemplate information. Use this to control information about technical capabilities exposed by a registered business.

  • save_business: Used to register new businessEntity information or update existing businessEntity information. Use this to control the overall information about the entire business. Of all the save messages, this one has the broadest effect.

  • save_service: Used to register or update complete information about a businessService exposed by a specified businessEntity.

  • save_tModel: Used to register or update complete information about a tModel.

  • delete_binding: Used to remove an existing bindingTemplate from the bindingTemplates collection that is part of a specified businessService structure.

  • delete_business: Used to delete registered businessEntity information from the registry.

  • delete_service: Used to delete an existing businessService from the businessServices collection that is part of a specified businessEntity.

  • delete_tModel: Used to delete registered information about a tModel. If there are any references to a tModel when this call is made, the tModel will be marked deleted instead of being physically removed.


For detailed description and example use of the function, see me_uddi_save_binding in the Functions Reference Guide.


For detailed description and example use of the function, see me_uddi_save_business in the Functions Reference Guide.


For detailed description and example use of the function, see me_uddi_save_service in the Functions Reference Guide.


For detailed description and example use of the function, see me_uddi_save_tmodel in the Functions Reference Guide.


For detailed description and example use of the function, see me_uddi_delete_binding in the Functions Reference Guide.


For detailed description and example use of the function, see me_uddi_delete_business in the Functions Reference Guide.


For detailed description and example use of the function, see me_uddi_delete_service in the Functions Reference Guide.


For detailed description and example use of the function, see me_uddi_delete_tmodel in the Functions Reference Guide.