16.11.4. Post Installation

  1. Build Full Text Indexes by running the following commands using the Virtuoso



    RDF_OBJ_FT_RULE_ADD (null, null, 'All');
  2. Run the following procedure using the Virtuoso


    program to populate label lookup tables periodically and activate the


    text box of the

    Entity Label Lookup


  3. Run the following procedure using the Virtuoso


    program to calculate the IRI ranks. Note this should be run periodically as the data grows to re-rank the IRIs.

  4. Perform Network Resource Fetch of some data to load some RDF triples in the quad store. This can easily be done using the Virtuoso


    page which provides a hypertext description of RDF Linked Data, by describing the following page for example (or one of your choice):


    Figure 16.117. Network Resource Fetch data

    Network Resource Fetch data

    Figure 16.118. Network Resource Fetch data

    Network Resource Fetch data

  5. Use the Faceted Browser Search and Find User Interface to search for information on "CNET":

    Figure 16.119. Faceted Browser Search

    Faceted Browser Search

  6. Results of the following form should be returned for the network resource data being fetched.

    Figure 16.120. Faceted Browser Search Results

    Faceted Browser Search Results

  7. Click "Types" link shown at the right vertical Navigation

  8. Results of the classes/properties should be returned:

    Figure 16.121. Results of the classes/properties

    Results of the classes/properties

  9. To get Type description, click "Describe" link for a given type, for ex. "Person".

  10. A list of attributes and values should be presented for the given resource. Note that automatically is generated QRCode image for the described entity.

    Figure 16.122. Results of the classes/properties

    Results of the classes/properties

  11. Return back to the Attributes list from above by going to the "Facets" tab.

  12. To exclude a type, un-tick the checkbox associated with the type:

    Figure 16.123. Exclude Type(s)

    Exclude Type(s)

  13. Click the Type URI link

  14. Results of excluding the Type(s) should be shown:

    Figure 16.124. Results of Excluded Type(s)

    Results of Excluded Type(s)

  15. The Faceted Browser Web service endpoint can also be queried to obtain the same results:

    $ more cnet.xml
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <query xmlns="http://openlinksw.com/services/facets/1.0" inference="" same-as="">
      <view type="text" limit="20" offset=""/>
    $ curl -H "Content-Type: text/xml" -d @cnet.xml  http://cname/fct/service
    <fct:facets xmlns:fct="http://openlinksw.com/services/facets/1.0/">
    <fct:sparql>    SELECT ?s1 as ?c1, (bif:search_excerpt (bif:vector ('CNET'), ?o1)) as ?c2, ?sc, ?rank WHERE {{{ SELECT ?s1, (?sc * 3e-1) as ?sc, ?o1, (sql:rnk_scale (<LONG::IRI_RANK> (?s1))) as ?rank  WHERE { ?s1 ?s1textp ?o1 . ?o1 bif:contains  '"CNET"'  option (score ?sc)  . } ORDER BY DESC (?sc * 3e-1 + sql:rnk_scale (<LONG::IRI_RANK> (?s1)))  LIMIT 20  OFFSET 0 }}}</fct:sparql>
    <fct:db-activity>   131R rnd     36R seq      0P disk      0B /      0 messages</fct:db-activity>
     <fct:result type="text">
        <fct:column datatype="trank">4.5</fct:column>
        <fct:column datatype="erank">5.881291583872905e-014</fct:column>
        <fct:column datatype="url" shortform="http://news.com">http://news.com</fct:column>
        <fct:column>Technology News - CNET News</fct:column>
        <fct:column><span class="srch_xerpt"><b>CNET</b> News.</span></fct:column>
        <fct:column datatype="trank">4.5</fct:column>
        <fct:column datatype="erank">5.881291583872905e-014</fct:column>
        <fct:column datatype="url" shortform="http://news.cnet.com/2547-1_3-0-20.xml">http://news.cnet.com/2547-1_3-0-20.xml</fct:column>
        <fct:column>CNET News.com</fct:column>
        <fct:column><span class="srch_xerpt"><b>CNET</b> News.</span></fct:column>
        <fct:column datatype="trank">4.5</fct:column>
        <fct:column datatype="erank">5.881291583872905e-014</fct:column>
        <fct:column datatype="url" shortform="http://news.cnet.com">http://news.cnet.com</fct:column>
        <fct:column>Technology News - CNET News</fct:column>
        <fct:column><span class="srch_xerpt"><b>CNET</b> News.</span></fct:column>
        <fct:column datatype="trank">3.9</fct:column>
        <fct:column datatype="erank">5.881291583872905e-014</fct:column>
        <fct:column datatype="url" shortform="http://news.com">http://news.com</fct:column>
        <fct:column>Technology News - CNET News</fct:column>
        <fct:column><span class="srch_xerpt">Technology News <b>CNET</b> News.</span></fct:column>
        <fct:column datatype="trank">3.9</fct:column>
        <fct:column datatype="erank">5.881291583872905e-014</fct:column>
        <fct:column datatype="url" shortform="http://news.cnet.com">http://news.cnet.com</fct:column>
        <fct:column>Technology News - CNET News</fct:column>
        <fct:column><span class="srch_xerpt">Technology News <b>CNET</b> News.</span></fct:column>
        <fct:column datatype="trank">3</fct:column>
        <fct:column datatype="erank">5.881291583872905e-014</fct:column>
        <fct:column datatype="url" shortform="http://news.com">http://news.com</fct:column>
        <fct:column>Technology News - CNET News</fct:column>
        <fct:column><span class="srch_xerpt">Tech news and business reports by <b>CNET</b> News.</span></fct:column>
        <fct:column datatype="trank">3</fct:column>
        <fct:column datatype="erank">5.881291583872905e-014</fct:column>
        <fct:column datatype="url" shortform="http://news.cnet.com/2547-1_3-0-20.xml">http://news.cnet.com/2547-1_3-0-20.xml</fct:column>
        <fct:column>CNET News.com</fct:column>
        <fct:column><span class="srch_xerpt">Tech news and business reports by <b>CNET</b> News.</span></fct:column>
        <fct:column datatype="trank">3</fct:column>
        <fct:column datatype="erank">5.881291583872905e-014</fct:column>
        <fct:column datatype="url" shortform="http://news.cnet.com">http://news.cnet.com</fct:column>
        <fct:column>Technology News - CNET News</fct:column>
        <fct:column><span class="srch_xerpt">Tech news and business reports by <b>CNET</b> News.</span></fct:column>
        <fct:column datatype="trank">3</fct:column>
        <fct:column datatype="erank">5.881291583872905e-014</fct:column>
        <fct:column datatype="url" shortform="http://news.com#6">http://news.com#6</fct:column>
        <fct:column>There's an electric car in your future</fct:column>
        <fct:column><span class="srch_xerpt">... <b>CNET</b> Car Tech posts photos of electric cars expected to come out by 2011.</span></fct:column>
        <fct:column datatype="trank">3</fct:column>
        <fct:column datatype="erank">5.881291583872905e-014</fct:column>
        <fct:column datatype="url" shortform="http://news.cnet.com/2547-1_3-0-20.xml#9">http://news.cnet.com/2547-1_3-0-20.xml#9</fct:column>
        <fct:column>There's an electric car in your future</fct:column>
        <fct:column><span class="srch_xerpt">... <b>CNET</b> Car Tech posts photos of electric cars expected to come out by 2011.</span></fct:column>
        <fct:column datatype="trank">3</fct:column>
        <fct:column datatype="erank">5.881291583872905e-014</fct:column>
        <fct:column datatype="url" shortform="http://news.cnet.com#9">http://news.cnet.com#9</fct:column>
        <fct:column>There's an electric car in your future</fct:column>
        <fct:column><span class="srch_xerpt">... <b>CNET</b> Car Tech posts photos of electric cars expected to come out by 2011.</span></fct:column>
        <fct:column datatype="trank">3</fct:column>
        <fct:column datatype="erank">5.881291583872905e-014</fct:column>
        <fct:column datatype="url" shortform="http://news.com#6">http://news.com#6</fct:column>
        <fct:column>There's an electric car in your future</fct:column>
        <fct:column><span class="srch_xerpt">... <b>CNET</b> Car Tech posts photos of electric cars expected to come out by 2011.</span></fct:column>
        <fct:column datatype="trank">3</fct:column>
        <fct:column datatype="erank">5.881291583872905e-014</fct:column>
        <fct:column datatype="url" shortform="http://news.cnet.com/2547-1_3-0-20.xml#9">http://news.cnet.com/2547-1_3-0-20.xml#9</fct:column>
        <fct:column>There's an electric car in your future</fct:column>
        <fct:column><span class="srch_xerpt">... <b>CNET</b> Car Tech posts photos of electric cars expected to come out by 2011.</span></fct:column>
        <fct:column datatype="trank">3</fct:column>
        <fct:column datatype="erank">5.881291583872905e-014</fct:column>
        <fct:column datatype="url" shortform="http://news.cnet.com#9">http://news.cnet.com#9</fct:column>
        <fct:column>There's an electric car in your future</fct:column>
        <fct:column><span class="srch_xerpt">... <b>CNET</b> Car Tech posts photos of electric cars expected to come out by 2011.</span></fct:column>
  16. Click "New search" from the Entity Relations Navigation and go to "Entity Label Lookup" tab:

    Figure 16.125. Query Faceted Browser Web service endpoint

    Query Faceted Browser Web service endpoint

  17. In the Label auto-complete text box of the Entity Label Lookup tab, enter the name of an rdfs label to be Described:

    Figure 16.126. Select a URI from the list of available Labels

    Select a URI from the list of available Labels

  18. Select a URI from the list of available Labels to obtain a description of the URI:

    Figure 16.127. Select a URI from the list of available Labels

    Select a URI from the list of available Labels

    Figure 16.128. Select a URI from the list of available Labels

    Select a URI from the list of available Labels

  19. Click "Facets" and go to "Entity URI Lookup" tab:

    Figure 16.129. Enter URI

    Enter URI

  20. In the URI auto-complete text box of the Entity URI Lookup tab enter the name URI to be Described:

    Figure 16.130. Enter URI

    Enter URI

  21. Select a URI from the list of available Labels to obtain a description of the URI:

    Figure 16.131. Obtain a description of the URI

    Obtain a description of the URI

    Figure 16.132. Obtain a description of the URI

    Obtain a description of the URI

  22. If data is loaded into the quad store via DML functions (TTLP, RDF_LOAD_RDFXML etc.) the following procedure needs to run from


    to build the free text indexes required each time: