
11.7.5. if, while, for, foreach statements

	: IF '(' search_condition ')' statement opt_else

	: /* empty */
	| ELSE statement

	: WHILE '(' search_condition ')' statement

  :	FOR '(' for_init_statement_list ';' for_opt_search_cond ';' for_inc_statement_list ')' statement
  | FOREACH '(' data_type_ref identifier IN_L scalar_exp ')' DO statement

The IF statement executes the immediately following statement if the condition is true. If there is an else clause and the condition is false the statement immediately following the else keyword will be executed.

The while statement evaluates the search condition and executes the following statement if the condition is true. It does this as long as the condition is true. To exit from a loop, use goto. C-like break and continue statements are not available.

The for statement initiates the for_init_statement_list and executes the following statement until the search condition is true. After every execution of the statement it executes for_inc_statement_list. You can exit the loop with using goto syntax also.

The foreach statement executes the statement for each element from an array and sets a variable to the corresponding element of that array.

IF (A > B)
    A := A + 1;
    B := B + 1;

WHILE (1 = 1) {
    A := A + 1;

FOR (declare X any, X := 1; X <= 2 ; X := X + 1){
    S := S + X;

FOR (declare X any, X := 1; X <= 2 ; ){
    S := S + X;
    X := X + 1;

FOR (declare X any, X := 1; ; X := X + 1){
    if (X > 2)
    goto exit_loop;
    S := S + X;

declare X integer;
X := 1;
FOR (; X <= 2 ; X := X + 1){
    S := S + X;

ARR := vector (1,2);
FOREACH (int X in ARR) do {
    S := S + X;