

document — Returns data from XML documents other than the main source document.


node-set document ( document_uri varchar ,
  base_uri varchar ,
  parser_mode integer ,
  content_encoding varchar ,
  content_language varchar ,
  dtd_validator_config varchar );


The function tries to access an XML text at location specified by document_uri and optionally base_uri . On success, it parses the text and returns the root entity of the "XML Tree" document; the result is identical to the entity created by xtree_doc() Virtuoso/PL function.

If the document_uri argument is node-set, not a string, then a node-set is returned as if document() function is applied to string-value of every node of the node-set.

Note that the list of attributes of the function differs from specified in XSLT 1.0 standard. In XPATH 1.0, there is no such function at all.



An absolute or relative URI that points to a well formed XML or HTML document. If the URI is relative, then the base_uri must be specified.


The URI that is used to resolve all relative URIs (i.e. to convert them into absolute in order to locate and load subdocuments) and to change 'local' absolute references to relative when in HTML mode.


0, 1 or 2; 0 - XML parser mode, 1 - HTML parser mode, 2 - 'dirty HTML' mode (with quiet recovery after any syntax error)


string with content encoding type of document; valid are 'ASCII', 'ISO', 'UTF8', 'ISO8859-1', 'LATIN-1' etc., defaults are 'UTF-8' for XML mode and 'LATIN-1' for HTML mode.


string with language tag of content of document; valid names are listed in IETF RFC 1766, default is 'x-any' (it means 'mix of words from various human languages')


configuration string for DTD validator, default is "Include=ERROR IdCache=ENABLE" meaning that DTD should be read but validation should be disabled; errors on including subdocuments should be reported as errors and thus should abort the processing; a dictionary of element's IDs should be created in order to support XQuery 'pointer operator'. See Configuration Options of the DTD Validator for details.

Return Types



Table 24.139. Errors signalled by document()

SQLState Error Code Error Text Description
XP001 XPF09 Too many arguments passed to XPATH function document() The number of parameters may vary only from 1 to 6.
XP001 XPF10 XML entity or a string expected as \"base_uri\" argument of XPATH function document() If presents, the second argument of the function must be either a string or an XML entity whose XML document has a suitable base URI.

The function may signal variety of errors when it reads the requested document(s) from network or from local resources. It may even cause deadlocks e.g. if documents are retrieved from the Virtuoso's own webserver and these documents must be created on the fly from data that are locked by Virtuoso/PL procedure that invokes the XPATH processor.


Example 24.579. Simple reading of a standalone XML document

Read a standalone document from


Example 24.580. Simple reading of a non-standalone document

Read a non-standalone document from local mirror but access its subdocuments as if it is retrieved directly from '', so e.g. the subdocument that is referenced as 'termsandconditions.xml' is retrieved from but not from http://webcache.localdomain/examplesales/termsandconditions.xml .

document("http://webcache.localdomain/examplesales/prices.xml", "")