document-literal — Parses given XML text and returns the resulting XML data.
document_text varchar , |
cache_uri varchar , | |
parser_mode integer , | |
content_encoding varchar , | |
content_language varchar , | |
) ; |
The function tries to parse an XML text as if it is obtained from a location
specified by cache_uri
. On success, it returns
the root entity of the "XML Tree" document; the result is identical to
the entity created by xtree_doc()
Virtuoso/PL function.
When XPath processor parses a document, it saves it in a temporary cache.
If a cached document is accessed again then no actual retrieval or parsing is made and
a cached value is returned.
The cache persists till the end of execution of a XPath query
or till the end of the XSLT transformation
if the XPath expression is a part of XSLT stylesheet.
The cache_uri
specifies the URI used as a key if the parsed document is cached.
If cache_uri
is not specified or the specified value is equal to an empty string,
then no caching is performed.
If the specified cache_uri
is not equal to an empty string
then it should distinct from URIs of other XML resources that are sources of the
XPath query, to prevent confusion.
The cache_uri
is also used by XML parser
as a base URI to resolve relative URIs of external entities, so it is a good idea to
specify some absolute URI if the parsed text is not a "standalone" document.
The document_text
argument may be a sequence, not a single string.
In this case a node-set is returned as if document-literal
is applied to
string-value of every element of the sequence.
It is obvious that caching should not be used
if there's a chance that the sequence may have more than one distinct element.
Note that the document-literal
is not a part of XPATH 1.0
or XQuery 1.0 standard library.
well formed XML or HTML text
The URI that is used to resolve all relative URIs (i.e. to convert them into absolute in order to locate and load subdocuments) and to change 'local' absolute references to relative when in HTML mode.
0, 1 or 2; 0 - XML parser mode, 1 - HTML parser mode, 2 - 'dirty HTML' mode (with quiet recovery after any syntax error)
string with content encoding type of
; valid are 'ASCII', 'ISO',
'UTF8', 'ISO8859-1', 'LATIN-1' etc., defaults are 'UTF-8' for XML mode and 'LATIN-1' for
HTML mode.
string with language tag of content of
; valid names are listed in
IETF RFC 1766, default is 'x-any' (it means 'mix of words from various human languages')
configuration string for DTD validator, default is "Include=ERROR IdCache=ENABLE" meaning that DTD should be read but validation should be disabled; errors on including subdocuments should be reported as errors and thus should abort the processing; a dictionary of element's IDs should be created in order to support XQuery 'pointer operator'. See Configuration Options of the DTD Validator for details.
Return Types
Table 24.140. Errors signalled by document-literal()
SQLState | Error Code | Error Text | Description |
XP001 | XPF15 | Too many arguments passed to XPATH function document-literal() | The number of parameters may vary only from 1 to 6. |
Example 24.581. Simple reading of a standalone XML document
Read a short document from string
document-literal(" <html><body><p>Hello </p></body></html>)
Example 24.582. Simple reading of a non-standalone document
Read a non-standalone document from local mirror but access its subdocuments as if it is retrieved directly from '', so e.g. the subdocument that is referenced as 'termsandconditions.xml' is retrieved from ''
document-literal(' <!DOCTYPE price-list SYSTEM "" [ <!ENTITY t_and_c SYSTEM "termsandconditions.xml"> <!ENTITY prices_oct2002 SYSTEM "prices/2002/oct.xml"> ]> <price-list> &t_and_c; &prices_oct2002; </price-list> ', 'http://webcache.localdomain/examplesales/prices.xml' )