vd_remote_proc_wrapper — Creating a PL wrapper for remote procedure execution
in dsn varchar , |
in remote_name varchar , | |
in local_name varchar , | |
in metadata any , | |
out status_code varchar , | |
out error_message varchar , | |
in make_resultset integer , | |
) ; |
This is to create a PL stored procedure to execute a Remote Stored Procedures. It returns results as a SQL result set as well as an array(vector) depending of the 'make_resultset' flag.
the remote datasource name
name of the remote procedure
name of the PL wrapper to be created locally
A vector of vectors containing a parameters information each of vectors need to have following structure:
type of parameter - 'IN'/'OUT'/'INOUT' |
name of parameter - the name of parameter |
data type - SQL datatype of parameter as string (for example 'VARCHAR', 'INT' etc.) |
SOAP type - a XSD/custom datatype for SOAP/WSDL actions (if not needed, must be empty string ie. '') |
returns SQL status code of the PL wrapper generation
returns the error message if status code is different than 00000
A flag 0/1 default 0. If is true (1) the wrapper will be generated to return result set. Otherwise will be generated to return an array.
The text of a comment to added to the wrapper. It then will be shown as a method description if the PL wrapper is published as a SOAP method.
Example 24.438. Creating a PL wrapper which returns resultset
The following example will create a PL wrapper to invoke the MS SqlServer Stored Procedure 'Northwind.dbo.CustOrderHist'
-- the wrapper creation (fragment of Virtuoso/PL) declare state, msg varchar; vd_remote_proc_wrapper ('Northwind.dbo.CustOrderHist', 'MS.SQL.CustOrderHist', 'sql_lite', vector (vector ('IN', '_CustomerID', 'VARCHAR', '')), state, msg , 1, 'This is a test'); if (state <> '00000') signal (state, msg); -- PL wrapper source that will be created create procedure "MS"."SQL"."CustOrderHist" (IN "_CustomerID" VARCHAR) returns any array array { --PL Wrapper for remote procedure --##This is a test --"DSN:sql_lite PROCEDURE:Northwind.dbo.CustOrderHist" declare dta, mdta any; declare params any; params := vector ("_CustomerID"); set_user_id ('dba'); rexecute ('sql_lite', '{call "Northwind"."dbo"."CustOrderHist" (?)}', NULL, NULL, params, 0, mdta, dta); exec_result_names(mdta[0]); declare i, l integer; i := 0; l := length (dta); while(i<l) { exec_result(dta[i]); i:=i+1; } } -- result from execution SQL> "MS"."SQL"."CustOrderHist" ('ALFKI'); ProductName Total VARCHAR NOT NULL INTEGER _______________________________________________________________________________ Aniseed Syrup 6 Chartreuse verte 21 Escargots de Bourgogne 40 Flotemysost 20 Grandma's Boysenberry Spread 16 Lakkalikri 15 Original Frankfurter grne Soe 2 Raclette Courdavault 15 Rssle Sauerkraut 17 Spegesild 2 Vegie-spread 20 11 Rows. -- 18 msec.