
xslt — returns an XML document transformed by an XSLT stylesheet


xml_entity xslt ( in sheet_uri varchar ,
  in entity any ,
  in sheet_params vector );


This function takes the URI of a stylesheet and an XML entity and produces an XML entity representing the transformation result of the given entity with the given stylesheet. The result tree is separate from the argument tree and the only reference to it is the returned entity. Errors occurring in the transformation will be signalled as SQL states, with XML or XSLT specific conditions beginning with XS or XP.

The stylesheet can be passed parameters by specifying a third argument to xslt() . This will be a vector of name/value pairs. The values can be referenced from inside XPath expressions in the stylesheet. You may use any Virtuoso data type. The names in the parameter vector should appear without the '$' sign. If any of the parameter values is NULL the parameter will be ignored because NULL has no XPath counterpart. If the same name appears more than once in the vector, the last name/value pair is used and all preceding pairs with this name are silently ignored. Obviously, names should be strings that are valid XPath variable names.

xslt() applies the transformation in the sheet to the specified entity. The result is the root element of the result tree, an XML entity. This entity can be used as input to another transformation, can be serialized and sent to an HTTP client or stored, etc.

The URI of the sheet is used to locate the stylesheet. The protocol can be http, file or virt. Once the stylesheet has been retrieved it is cached and not refetched until the cache is invalidated with xslt_stale() . Included or imported style sheets will be fetched automatically, using the initial URI as base for any relative references. The sheet_uri is the URI of a stylesheet. This should be an absolute URI resolvable with xml_uri_get() . If the URI has previously been used as a stylesheet and has not been marked stale with xslt_stale() , Virtuoso will use the cached data instead of fetching and parsing the stylesheet resource.

When a resource with a .xsl extension is stored into the WebDAV, Virtuoso marks as stale any related cached resource. The URI for such stylesheets will be


. See the section about entity references in stored text for more on this type of URI. If the URI uses the file protocol, Virtuoso will compare the date of the file against the date of the cached stylesheet, automatically reloading the sheet if the file changes. This protocol is subject to the limitations on file system access imposed by the host operating system and the virtuoso.ini file system access control settings.



URI pointing to the location of an XSL stylesheet.


parsed XML entity such as that returned by the xtree_doc() function


A vector of keyword/value parameters to be passed to the XSLT engine for use in the transformation.

Return Types

An XML entity resulting from transforming the given XML entity input with the given style sheet.


Example 24.533. Basic Use

declare sheet, xml varchar;
declare xml_entity, myparams any;

sheet := 'virt://WS.WS.SYS_DAV_RES.RES_FULL_PATH.RES_CONTENT:/DAV/stylesheets/mysheet.xsl';
xml := 'virt://WS.WS.SYS_DAV_RES.RES_FULL_PATH.RES_CONTENT:/DAV/xmlsource/myxml.xml';
xml_entity := xtree_doc(xml);

myparams := vector('chapter', 'overview', 'imgroot', '/DAV/images/');

http_value(xslt(sheet, xml_entity, myparams));

This code will send the resultant transformation to the http stream. Note that the xml_entity must be a parsed XML entity such as that produced by xtree_doc .

<?xml version='1.0'?>


  <xsl:param name="chapter">default</xsl:param>
  <xsl:param name="imgroot"></xsl:param>

  <xsl:template match="/">
    <xsl:text>Value of chapter: </xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="$chapter" />
    <xsl:text>Value of imgroot: </xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="$imgroot" />


This style sheet illustrates using parameters. Note how default values can be provided in the style sheet when the parameters are declared using the xsl:param tag.