
16.19.3. Set up RDF Replication via procedure calls


The following example shows how to use SQL procedures to set up Virtuoso RDF Graph Replication in a Chain Topology.

Figure 16.310. Chain Replication Topology

Chain Replication Topology

This can also be done through the HTTP-based Virtuoso Conductor .

Database INI Parameters

Suppose there are 3 Virtuoso instances on the same machine.

The first instance holds the master copy of the data and publishes its changes to all other instances that subscribe to this master.

The second instance subscribes to the publication of the master copy, but also publishes all of these changes to any instance that subscribes to it.

The third instance only subscribes to the publication of the second instance.

Each of these 3 servers need unique ports and ServerName, DefaultHost for this replication scheme to work properly. Although not needed, this example also sets separate names for the database and related files. This results in the following ini parameters values (only changes are shown, the rest can remain default):

  1. repl1/virtuoso.ini:

    DatabaseFile    = virtuoso1.db
    TransactionFile = virtuoso1.trx
    ErrorLogFile     = virtuoso1.log
    ServerPort               = 1111
    SchedulerInterval        = 1
    ServerPort                  = 8891
    DefaultHost =
    ServerName   = db1-r
  2. repl2/virtuoso.ini:

    DatabaseFile    = virtuoso2.db
    TransactionFile = virtuoso2.trx
    ErrorLogFile     = virtuoso2.log
    ServerPort               = 1112
    SchedulerInterval        = 1
    ServerPort                  = 8892
    DefaultHost = localhost:8892
    ServerName   = db2-r
  3. repl3/virtuoso.ini:

    DatabaseFile    = virtuoso3.db
    TransactionFile = virtuoso3.trx
    ErrorLogFile     = virtuoso3.log
    ServerPort               = 1113
    SchedulerInterval        = 1
    ServerPort                  = 8893
    DefaultHost =
    ServerName   = db3-r
Database DSNs

Use the ODBC Administrator on your Virtuoso host (e.g., on Windows, Start menu -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Data Sources (ODBC); on Mac OS X, /Applications/Utilities/OpenLink ODBC to create a System DSN for each of db1, db2, db3, with names db1, db2 and db3, respectively.

Configure Publishers and Subscribers
  1. Run the databases by starting, which has the following content:

    cd repl1
    virtuoso -f &
    cd ../repl2
    virtuoso -f &
    cd ../repl3
    virtuoso -f &
    cd ..
  2. Use the


    command to execute the following rep.sql file:

    --  connect to the first database which is only a publisher
    set DSN=localhost:1111;
    -- start publishing the graph
    --  connect to the second database in the chain, which is both a publisher and a subscriber
    set DSN=localhost:1112;
    --  start publishing the graph
    --  contact the first database
    repl_server ('db1-r', 'db1', 'localhost:1111');
    --  subscribe to its RDF publication(s)
    repl_subscribe ('db1-r', '__rdf_repl', 'dav', 'dav', 'dba', 'dba');
    --  bring the replication service online
    --  and set scheduler to check every minute
    DB.DBA.SUB_SCHEDULE ('db1-r', '__rdf_repl', 1);
    --  connect to the third database in the chain, which is only a subscriber
    set DSN=localhost:1113;
    -- uncomment next 2 commands if this database should also be a publisher
    --  contact second database
    repl_server ('db2-r', 'db2', 'localhost:1112');
    --  subscribe to its RDF publication(s)
    repl_subscribe ('db2-r', '__rdf_repl', 'dav', 'dav', 'dba', 'dba');
    --  bring the replication service online
    --  and set schedule to check every minute
    DB.DBA.SUB_SCHEDULE ('db2-r', '__rdf_repl', 1);