
16.2.14. Sending SOAP Requests to Virtuoso SPARQL Endpoint

This section presents a sample scenario on how to execute a SPARQL query as a SOAP request to the Virtuoso SPARQL Endpoint.

  1. Assume the following sample SOAP request containing simple SPARQL query:

    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
          <query-request xmlns="">
             <query xmlns="">SELECT DISTINCT ?z FROM virtrdf: {?x ?y ?z .} LIMIT 10</query>
  2. Save locally the content from above for ex. to file with the name "soap.xml".

  3. To pass the SOAP request to a Virtuoso SPARQL Endpoint, execute the following curl command:

    $ curl -d@soap.xml -H "Content-Type:text/xml" -H "SOAPAction: ''"
    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
        <query-result xmlns="">
          <sparql xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
             <variable name="z"/>
            <results distinct="false" ordered="true">
                <binding name="z">
                <binding name="z">
                <binding name="z">
                <binding name="z">
                <binding name="z">
                <binding name="z">
                <binding name="z">
                <binding name="z">
                <binding name="z">
                <binding name="z">