4.2.3. Linux & UNIX
This is a simple 'C' based and ODBC compliant Interactive SQL processor.
Run the script virtuoso-enterprise.sh to set up your environment:
. virtuoso-enterprise.sh
Start ODBCTEST by executing the following command:
At the SQL command prompt enter "?" for a list of ODBC DSNs on your machine or enter a valid ODBC Connect String. If you have a DSN named "Marketing" you would enter:
Note: If there is no password, you must include a semicolon at the end:
Any valid SQL or ODBC command may be executed through this interface. The following example shows a connection to Microsoft SQL Server 2000, making a simple query against the sample Northwind database:
[localhost:~] openlink% odbctest iODBC Demonstration program This program shows an interactive SQL processor Enter ODBC connect string (? shows list, or DSN=...): DSN=test_sql2k SQL>select au_lname, au_fname, state from authors where au_id < '333-33-3333' au_lname |au_fname |state ----------------------------------------+--------------------+----- White |Johnson |CA Green |Marjorie |CA Carson |Cheryl |CA O'Leary |Michael |CA Straight |Dean |CA 5 row(s) fetched. SQL>quit Again (y/n) ? n Have a nice day. [localhost:~] openlink%