2.2.4. Post Installation
Post-Installation Sanity Check
A quick way to check that the database is running, is to point a browser to the http port. The following example URLs will show the System Manager for the default, and the demo Virtuoso databases:
http://example.com http://example.com:8890
Troubleshooting DB Startup Failures
Install failure
Check the .log file in your Virtuoso installation db location, for ex:
C:\Program Files\OpenLink Software\Virtuoso 7.2\db\virtuoso.log
which is for the database and log files etc. in order to review the installed files binaries and databases (defaults) for issues if install fails.
.lck existance
Check .log in case of .lck issue
Delete the .lck file and repeat the steps from above.
.trx incompatiblity issue
Check .log in case of .trx incompatiblity issue
oplmgr issue