15.9.7. Status Of XSLT And XPath Implementation
Items marked with (*) are currently not implemented.
XPath Axes
ancestor:: |
ancestor-or-self:: |
attribute:: |
child:: |
descendant:: |
descendant-or-self:: |
following:: |
following-sibling:: |
namespace:: (*) |
parent:: |
preceding:: |
preceding-sibling:: |
self:: |
Node Functions
number position () |
number count (node-set) |
string local-name (node-set?) |
string namespace-uri (node-set?) |
string name (node-set?) |
boolean lang (string) |
Node Set Functions
node-set document (string, string?, integer?, name?, name?, string?) |
node-set document-literal (string, string?, integer?, name?, name?, string?) |
node-set id (object) |
node-set append (object, object, ..., object) |
String Functions
string string (object?) |
string serialize (object?) |
string format-number (number, string, string?) |
string concat (object, object, ..., object) |
number string-length (string?) |
boolean contains (string, string) |
boolean text-contains (string, string) |
boolean starts-with (string, string) |
boolean ends-with (string, string) |
string substring (string, number, number?) |
string substring-before (string, string) |
string substring-after (string, string) |
string normalize-space (string?) |
string translate (string, string, string) |
string replace (string, string, string) |
Boolean Functions
boolean boolean (object) |
boolean true () |
boolean false () |
boolean not (boolean) |
boolean and (boolean, boolean, ..., boolean) |
boolean or (boolean, boolean, ..., boolean) |
boolean some (name, boolean, node-set) |
boolean every (name, boolean, node-set) |
boolean function_available (name) |
Number Functions
number number (object?) |
number floor (number) |
number ceiling (number) |
number round (number) |
number sum (number) |
number avg (number) |
number max (number) |
number min (number) |
XSLT-specific Functions
current () |
function-available (string) |
unparsed-entity-uri (string) |
system-property (string) |
XSLT 1.0 Elements and Attributes
xsl:apply-imports |
xsl:apply-templates |
xsl:attribute |
xsl:attribute-set (*) |
xsl:call-template |
xsl:choose |
xsl:comment |
xsl:copy |
xsl:copy-of |
xsl:decimal-format |
xsl:element |
xsl:fallback (*) |
xsl:for-each |
xsl:if |
xsl:import |
xsl:include |
xsl:key |
xsl:message |
xsl:namespace-alias |
xsl:number NOTE: formatting and level="any" is not implemented |
xsl:otherwise |
xsl:output |
xsl:param |
xsl:preserve-space (*) |
xsl:processing-instruction |
xsl:sort |
xsl:strip-space |
xsl:stylesheet |
xsl:template |
xsl:text |
xsl:transform (*) NOTE: use xsl:stylesheet instead |
xsl:value-of |
xsl:variable |
xsl:when |
xsl:with-param |