16.1.8.Dynamic Renaming of Local IRI's

There are cases where it is desirable to have IRI's in RDF storage that will change to reflect a change of the host name of the containing store. This is specifically true of DAV resource metadata for local DAV resources. Such IRI's must be stored prefixed with local: .

If a user application makes statements with such a URI, then these statements will be returned with local: substituted with a prefix taken from the context as described below.

When returning IRI's from id's, this prefix is replaced by the Host header of the HTTP request and if not running with HTTP, with the DefaultHost from URIQA. This behavior is always in effect.

When converting strings to IRI id's, the local: prefix may or may not be introduced depending on ini file and other context factors. If DynamicLocal defined in the [URIQA] section of the Virtuoso INI file is on and the host part of the IRI matches the Host header of the HTTP request in context or the DefaultHost if outside of HTTP context, then this is replaced with local: before looking up the IRI ID. Even if DynamicLocal is not on and the local: prefix occurs in the IRI string being translated to id, the translating the IRI_ID back to the IRI name will depend on the context as described above.

The effects of DynamicLocal = 1 can be very confusing since many names can refer to the exact same thing. For example, if the DefaultHost is dbpedia.org, iri_to_id ('http://dbpedia.org/resource/Paris') = iri_to_id ('local:///resource/Paris) is true and so is 'http://dbpedia.org/resource/Paris' = id_to_iri (iri_to_id ('local://resource/Paris')) These hold in a SQL client context, i.e. also when connected through RDF frameworks like Jena or Sesame. When running a SPARQL protocol request, the Host: header influences the behavior, likewise when using web interactive SQL in Conductor. Also be careful when loading RDF files that may have URI's corresponding to the local host name.