
VAD_PACK — get VAD resource


varchar DB.DBA. VAD_PACK ( in sticker_uri varchar ,
  in base_uri_of_resources varchar ,
  in package_uri varchar );


This function gets the resource identified by the sticker_uri, which contains the vad:package root element. The URIs present there are interpreted in the context of the base_uri_of_resources and the individual resources are fetched. These are parsed to make sure that they are syntactically correct and the resources are appended to the generated package resource, which is stored into the result_uri. vad_pack() returns a human-readable log of error and warning messages, vad_pack() will signal errors if some resources or database objects will be unavailable. By convention, VAD package files have the extension '.vad'.



stickers file URI


inlined resources root


path of output VAD file

Return Types

vad_pack() returns a human-readable log of error and warning messages, vad_pack() will signal errors if some resources or database objects will be unavailable.